Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 4 - The Fine Print

jumprope:  In my sleepy state yesterday, and the light background, I didn't realize it was 60 x 5, until I started reading some of your posts. oops. Did the 60 x 5 today, and an extra set to assuage the guilt. I sail through some of the sets and in the others, it was every 5-8 jumps where I felt like a clumsy meatball tangled in some spaghetti.
lunges:   This too, I was looking at the pdf, and asked myself, "Why is Patrick standing in the first picture?" Oooooh. You're supposed to come back to the standing position after the lunge. No wonder everyone is sore! For a couple of days, I had this false sense of, "wow, I must be in better shape than I thought!" My thighs and gluts are gonna be sore tomorrow.
push ups:  Tried with the push up handles. Question: Which is better, doing a deeper push up with knees down, or shallow ones with knees off the floor? Feel like better form and better workout with the knees down...  
eating:   So far so good... except water and herbal teas. Do we halve these too?
other: Took a hot bath with some aromatherapy oils (i used rosemary, geranium, frankincense) after the not so baby went down. Stretched in the tub a little,  and soaked while I read. ahhhhhh.
I'm disappointed with myself today. With Arnaud away this morning and an unusually early am appointment (booked it forgetting he would not be able to do the morning school run), I went into panic mode and became unnecessarily curt with my daughter this morning. I'm finding it very challenging to balance my own priorities, quality time with my husband, work commitments, and the terrible twos...
I chose yoga as my special activity, since it's supposed to teach us to breathe through difficult moments (it does) but... I'd forgotten about all of that struggling to get my daughter dressed and out the door!!! Even without having threatened with any consequences, counting to three usually sends my daughter in a straight beeline towards whatever she's being asked to do, but I guess I should actually use that time to take three deep inhalations for myself. aaaargh... Well, hopefully, putting this thought down in writing will make it more concrete and help me to remember next time!
I figure that since the body will be undergoing so many different changes (physical, chemical, and probably hormonal too!), I'd better do something that'll help me deal with the shift and discomfort, too.

Read the pdf's more carefully. If I miss something, don't sweat it. Just breathe.

Have a great weekend, you guys!


  1. Hey Akiko,

    I know what you mean about losing patience. I think the almost-constant hunger has also made me more short tempered and anxious than usual.. Luckily, at the moment I'm on a break from work and at home on my own, so when I lose patience, there's only myself to take it out on!

    I'm also curious about my push-up technique. I haven't tried it with knees down yet, as I was always told by my gym instructor at school that this was 'cheating'..! But in the PCP PDF it looks as if Patrick has his knees on the floor. I guess it would be good if someone asked him for his opinion on this. I will if I get chance at some point.

    All the best


  2. Relax, breathe, look after yourself.

    Your daughter is lucky to have two parents committed to their health. She'll surely learn from you to treasure her body.

  3. Hey Akiko,
    Love reading your blogs - they're so honest and inspirational!
    I've been chanting the song 'Breathe'by Telepopmusik since PCP started and I find it really helps in times of struggle!

    'There's nothing to do but believe, Just breathe. I'm used to it by now. Another day, just believe. Just breathe......'

    Keep up the good work - we're in this all together ;-)
