Tuesday, March 1, 2011

From: Getting to Know Your Group

This was my introduction to my group on day 2.

1.  The obvious stuff, where you live, what you do, etc...  also what would you like us to call you?
I'm from Tokyo by way of NY, Rhode Island, Texas, Kobe. 
People have the impression that I am very outgoing, probably from the years that I worked in communications, but I'm actually very shy.
I am married to Arnaud who is in my Group, am a mother of a 2 year old daughter, a professional, and an avid fan of comtemporary art and dance, yoga, travel and.... all kinds of food!!!
I worked in the fashion industry for a long time and set up my consulting business 5 years ago. I consult brand based businesses on their branding and marketing strategies, as well as their coming-to-japan strategies. 
I love problem solving. If I weren't a consultant, I would have loved to be a shrink. I love working with people and their problems, and helping to find the best way to move forward (thought I can be blind to my own problems and appropriate course of action...).

2.  What has tripped up your wellness goals in the past?
I quit smoking 10 years ago and at the same time took up yoga and started a detox- simultaneously. WOW. I felt like I had beams of light come out of my fingertips. I've since been careful of what I eat, and eat organic and whole as much as possible, have very little processed food in my diet, but when I drink- I feel like my sense of satiation is seriously impaired, both on the food and the drink front. <sigh> That doubled with the fact that I'm married to Arnaud, who is renowned in many circles as the go to guy for food and wine (including the guys from the Food and Beverage industry!) .... well, you get the picture. 
I gained 8 kg during our time together pre-baby, another 12 during pregnancy, and then took it off during the time I breastfed my baby. The yoga helped with strength but I felt like I wasn't getting enough exercise- I have no tone. I hardly do any cardio (except for school runs on the mama bike) and so even though I am not "big" per se, compared to when I used to dance as a student, I feel like I've got this really nice neoprene wetsuit on, all the time.
When I do do detoxes and South Beach etc, it works for a while- I understand the idea of "initialising" our taste palettes and resetting our habits, but 2 weeks doesn't give the mind enough time to override the body, I guess. I'm here to learn and imprint new behaviour patterns so that even if I do veer off course from time to time (as all humans will and do), the "default" I will go back to will be a place that will be defined by better habits and information.

3.  What did you choose as your special PCP activity and why?
I chose yoga as my special activity. I practice a combination of Kundalini and Iyengar yogas. Kundalini yoga really has helped me on so many levels. I intend to work on the Third Chakra- the energy center for willpower and courage- both areas I need improvement on. There are certain kriyas, (kriya= "completed action", technique or practice within a yoga discipline meant to achieve a specific result.) which help certain areas, and I would like to compliment the challenge of the PCP with a mindful yoga practice which I hope will help me to acheive balance in a lot of areas, especially in the difficult moments, which I know will come.

4.  Who's your inspiration figure and why?
For more information on my inspiration, .... hahahah this was a tough one!!!
Please see my post from yesterday for the full story:
I love dance. And I love the Alvin Ailey Company, who really has created its own vocabulary and standard of what beauty, grace, strength can be through dance.
The photo of Dwana Adiaha Smallwood, the dancer, expresses that spirit of energy and grace, vivacity and ability to accomplish the what-may-seem-impossible which I hope - and will begin to embody at the end of the 90 days!!!

... for those of you who were curious!

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