Sunday, March 6, 2011

Days 5 and 6: Xray Vision [WARNING: EXPLICIT IMAGES (of unPCP food)]

jumprope:  I love doing this outside! My sets are still not consistent, so I'm wondering how tomorrow will fare! 
Arnaud really didn't like the light rope I ordered from Amazon so he bought a heavier one. I'm wondering whether it makes a difference. I think I need to find a new surface... going to look into a padded astroturf mat- maybe an oversized doormat, as per the astroturf suggestion from Ricky.
lunges and push ups:  Not sure whether it's recommended from a yogic or fitness standpoint, but I start with a yoga warm up inside (spinal flex series, frog pose, sat kriya) step outside for the jumprope, then come back inside and do the lunges and push ups to upbeat yoga music on the yoga mat. I've started a PCP Playlist on iTunes, which has been great to warm up and work out to. For the rest intervals between lunges, I go into a wide legged forward bend, and child pose between the intervals between push ups. Then from there, I resume my usual yoga routine. 
For some reason, I find that I'm a lot more energized than I am after my usual yoga routine when I combine the yoga with the PCP week one drill. I've often been surprised because I come into contact with poses or sequences in yoga class which I'd always thought were warm up stretches or fitness routines.... so I figured combining the two would not really be a problem. I was surprised, for example, to find the leg lifts in yoga class! I guess what really works is universal and can go from one context to another. I guess I should ask Patrick about this, just to make sure, though.
eating:   Everything went so well until the weekend!!! During Days 1-4,  I was eating half of what were small meals, but the 5 and 6 were all about eating half of either quite large, dense,  or decadent meals. 

Day 5  / Breakfast: The last run of egg yolk for a while,  probably... with a side of steamed salmon, broccoli flowers,
 90% rye bread. Other (larger) half  of everything: on Arnaud's plate.

Day 6  / Decadance: The aftermath of an authentic Italian ciocolatta from a fountain, made from real gianduja. 
This too, a last for a long time to come. Shared with Arnaud, but this time I had the bigger half.
 I'm getting full just looking at this now.  A spoonful really would have sufficed.

The weekend also brought half glasses of wine, which I thought were going to feel like teaspoons of wine, but I actually got kind of drunk! Even though I stuck to eating half meals, I found myself in food comas, looking and feeling puffier than usual this weekend, which I really hated. I should remember the ugh factor I'm feeling now....
other: Had sudden and sharp back pain... going to acupuncture tomorrow, if I can get a booking. But this is unrelated to the exercises, it always happens to me comes when I don't get enough sleep.
help, please!!: If anyone could direct me to a link or give info on where to buy resistance bands (as well as the name of the make) I would really appreciate it! Paul, I read your post and went directly to Donki, but unfortunately couldn't find anything with handles... Part of me says, it was probably way high, past my field of vision!!!! (I'm short.) I'll try Tokyu Hands tomorrow.

Being off alcohol, refined sugar and going easy on the salt, I've been looking in the mirror in the mornings and thinking, "Wow! You look great! Cheekbones!" That’s of course an exaggeration and an AM solo pep talk. It's so infinitesimal that only I can notice the difference, but I actually think my skin was looking a millishade brighter and less puffy from retaining less water thanks to the new diet and the exercise (..until I did the large, dense, and decadent half meals).  
... and even if it IS an exaggeration, anything to make me think I'm starting to see results, is fine with me!!!  I actually think I am starting to see past the first layer with a kind of PCP Xray vision- seeing myself the way I want to be in the final week photo. 


  1. Yes, I'm seeing changes already - better skin and firmness around my middle. Muscles around my core at the end of this journey are my goal. I want to see my 'heso' when I sit down!

    These early changes are very important because they give us hope and perseverance. Let's celebrate them!

  2. Right, the low sodium diet will do wonders for your skin, no more puffy red epidermis!

    Regarding your workout style, what you describe sounds good, as long as you're nailing those rest times and not lingering between sets. You will be surprised the boost your yoga gets from putting on some basic muscle. Far too many yogis neglect muscle building, and their asana shows it.
