Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 3 - My Winter Coat

comments on today's workout:
jumprope: Took it outside in the morning sun. So beautiful, I got distracted and kept tripping!
lunges:  ouch. Feeling the pain from the past 2 days.
push ups:   same 5 reps for now. I should try going lower.
eating:  I love nabe (hot pot) because it is just cutting up vegetables, and then you throw it in as you go. The problem is, you don't actually know how much you're eating. I thought about how many servings I usually have. I did about what I thought was half. It felt great not going to bed stuffed... and tipsy.

I feel like shedding my old body is going to be the start of some interesting things to come my way. That just sounded like a cookie fortune. Anyway, I hope- and intend- that any old behavioral patterns I am clinging on to, I’ll shed along with the fat and extra space I am occupying!
Fat is a funny thing. Put a bit of fat in anything, whether it’s butter or olive oil... or pieces of bacon, it’s verrrry comforting. (Think plain old mashed potatoes = all right, but with a ton of butter? ...You know. ) Then, when we retain more fat on our bodies than we need, it makes us soft, and keeps us warm- but it makes us slow and sluggish. 
On top of it slowing us down, it inhibits us and affects the way we project ourselves and how we interact with others. Our fat can be like a coat that hides who we really are on the inside. Half of that comes from what we do to our bodies and how we let it make us act, and the other is society’s reaction to fat. 
When we say there is a skinny person inside, I think it’d be more accurate to say it’s about excavating not so much a skinny person, but our best selves. My best self? That would be the brightest and happiest, and most proactive (nonprocrastinating...) version of me in a strong, lithe, fit and healthy body!


  1. Hi Akiko,

    A fantastic post and very insightful... I think with you're understanding and awareness your going to rock this...

    look out world !

  2. Hello,
    Am in the group a few weeks ahead. Nice blog so far, and I like your analogy about the coat. Spring is around the corner in more ways than one. Good luck with your project!

  3. Awesome post Akiko. You've put a lot of the thoughts that are buzzing around my head into words. Thanks and we can do this.

  4. hi there - thanks for ur comment akiko san.
    funny you mentioned about my courage on putting up pics of my bikini clad bod, cos that was the only thing bugging me, til the very moment i signed up to pcp. i was thinking 'do i really want to expose my body like this to the world??' .. but then i thot, surely, most of the ppl who know me can guess what kind of body i really have - so it CANT get any worse than now - and up went the bikini pic. once its done, its no biggie. like u said, u try diff clothes on and make ur legs or arms or whatever look trimmer, but ur gonna get an amazing result whichever way anyway, and honestly, u know when ur kiddin urself. so be free! let ur conscience go easy, bear those wobbly bits and cherish them cos they won't be hanging around that long now :) best of luck and enjoy!
